Maintenance for your BOLLFILTER

Increasing efficiency through maintenance for your filter

A well maintained BOLLFILTER is a system that does not require constant inspection and costly repairs. In order to facilitate this, the filter will require well organised OEM maintenance.

We are ready to offer you regular maintenance of your filter, tailored to the project specific needs. Proactive maintenance allows you to take action and prevent problems from developing.

Your advantages with regular maintenance

1 year warranty
1 year warranty

BOLLFILTER always provides a one-year warranty on the filter from the date of service, regardless of any other agreement.















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<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif">BOLLFILTER always provides a one-year warranty on the filter from the date of service, regardless of any other agreement.</span></span></span></p>
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Minimize costs
Minimize costs


Regular maintenance reduces the risk of machine breakdowns and thus downtime costs.



Preventive maintenance contributes to flawless technology and thus to the safety of the system. 

BOLL & KIRCH service technicians

Our BOLL & KIRCH service technicians come to any location worldwide, be it a production plant, a wastewater treatment plant or an internationally operating container ship.

They regularly carry out inspections and work to maintain your filter. They also record the technical condition of a filter system in a detailed report and advise on any measures that may be necessary to prevent a malfunction due to wear.

Please feel free to contact us.

Experience and resources for maintenance

Manufacturer maintenance can be a key factor in achieving the highest possible plant availability.

As a plant operator, you depend on trained personnel. Our highly qualified specialists are very familiar with the plant components and their brand-specific features.

Let us take care of all your maintenance needs! This gives you maximum freedom in terms of personnel planning and at the same time significantly minimizes your risk of system failure. We look after your filter system and bring security not only to your technology, but also to your cost planning.


Spare parts installation by professionals

During a service, our service technicians will install the spare parts ordered for the job only if required. In case of spare parts orders without connection to service, a refund of excess ordered parts is not possible.

However, our service technicians will only install the necessary spare parts and will take back any parts ordered in excess without complaint.

Would you like to contact us?
Service Coordinator Germany
Meik Koch Service - Global Customer Care

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