Green hydrogen / Power to X

Filtration solutions for green hydrogen

The production of green hydrogen ("Power to H2") is the key discipline of all "Power to X" technologies. BOLL & KIRCH is a leader in all filtration solutions of the complete value chain - from renewable energy production to the use of green hydrogen.

Filtration solutions for thermosolar power plants

Protection of the primary HTF and secondary working fluid circuit as well as the cooling water circuit.

  • Protection of pumps, piping, valves, evaporators, pre-heaters and condensers
  • Prevention of blockage of the thermosolar system
  • Minimisation of maintenance requirements
Filtration solutions for thermosolar power plants
Geothermal energy
Filtration solutions for geothermal energy

Protection of the primary thermal water circuit, secondary working fluid circuit and cooling water circuit.

  • Protection of pumps, pipelines, valves, evaporators, preheaters and condensers
  • Prevention of blockage of the geothermal system   
  • Minimisation of maintenance requirements

Geothermal Energy »

Filtration solutions for geothermal energy
Filtration solutions for hydropower plants

Filtration of cooling and sealing water to protect generators and turbines

The aquaBoll® automatic filter removes potentially harmful particles from untreated river water and protects generators and turbines of power generation plants. The fully automatic filter operates continuously with a preset backwash programme and provides effective filtration without regular cleaning or maintenance.

Hydro Power Plants »

Filtration solutions for hydropower plants
Wind Power
Filtration solutions for offshore wind turbines

Filtration of seawater to protect the transformer cooling system

  • Automatic filter operation without the need for human intervention
  • Maximised heat exchanger cooling capacity
  • Minimised cooling plant downtime
  • Reduced cooling plant maintenance requirements
  • Full remote maintenance and monitoring possible
  • The automatic filter offers excellent resistance to seawater
  • Maritime classification society certification available

Offshore Windparks »

Filtration solutions for offshore wind turbines
Filtration solutions for electrolysis

Filtration of the feed water for the protection of AEC, AEM, PEM and SOEC electrolysers

  • Large filter areas
  • Long service life
  • Low pressure losses
  • Exactly defined filter finenesses
  • Easy handling
  • Low space requirement

Automatic filtration of cooling water to protect the heat exchanger

  • Fully automatic and fail-safe backwash technology
  • High flow rates with small installation space
  • Variable connection flange positions
  • High-quality components
  • Long service life
  • Minimal operating and maintenance costs

Lye filtration of alcaline electrolysers

BOLL & KIRCH works on iron-free filtration solutions for the lye circuation system for a slowed down degradation.

Filtration solutions for other auxiliary systems

Protectiv solutions for other auxiliary systems such as purge, vent and drain systems, other fluid circulation as well as purifcation systems.

Filtration solutions for electrolysis
Filtration solutions for compressors

Lubricating oil and seal gas filtration to protect the bearings and prevent damage to the sealing surfaces.

  • Production and testing according to the most demanding standards and guidelines (e.g. ASME, AD 2000, EAC, DOSH, PED, API 614, API 692, NACE)
  • Extensive in-house testing facilities for the continuous further development of our products
  • In-house production and development of filter elements
  • Guarantee of reliable operation and high availability of the entire system
  • Optimum safety for operating personnel through production in accordance with the demanding EHS/UGS regulations

Further Information »

Cooling water filtration to protect the heat exchangers

Filtration solutions for Lube Oil »


▶ To the video for operating principle:   
Filtration principle for electrolysis

Filtration solutions for compressors
Filtration solutions for the use of green hydrogen

Protective filtration for gas engines, turbines, compressors, fuel cells and hydrogen filling stations

The requirements for the filtration of green hydrogen as a gas or in liquid state, as well as of e-fuels synthesised from green hydrogen, are extremely demanding. High pressures, low temperatures and sometimes hazardous properties (e.g. in the case of ammonia) of these media require comprehensive knowledge of these operating conditions, coupled with experience in the protection of combustion engines, turbines and compressors. 

  • Protection of injection systems, moving parts and sealing systems
  • Suitable materials for high pressures and low temperatures
  • Corrosion and embrittlement resistant materials
  • Specialised sealing materials and concepts
  • Experience in the filtration of hydrogen, methane, mathanol and ammonia
Filtration solutions for the use of green hydrogen
Power to X

Green hydrogen is the key to climate neutrality

Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysis using electricity from renewable sources and is climate neutral. Green hydrogen offers the possibility for industry and heavy transport to become CO2-free.

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