Banner for the 75th anniversary of BOLLFILTER with anniversary logo and thank-you message.


Wide range of applications

Alternative Fuels

Green Hydrogen

Sewage Treatment Plants

all applications

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Experience tailor-made filtration solutions with BOLL & KIRCH - The global specialist in liquid and gas filtration



As global manufacturer, BOLL & KIRCH provides customized and sustainable industrial filters for a variety of industries worldwide. With over 75 years of experience, our filtration solutions are certified according to DIN ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 + ISO 45001 and recognized by the most important classification societies.

Whether you need filtration for liquids or gases, we offer tailor-made solutions that meet your specific needs. Trust your specialist to provide reliable filtration solutions that are both effective and sustainable. 

BOLLFILTER automatic installed at Hepworth Gallery
Hepworth Gallery »

Hepworth Gallery HVAC system lifetime has been extended with the use of a BOLLFILTER automatic for the filtration of the river water Calder.



KRONES bottle washing machine equipped with BOLLFILTER

The company KRONES found in BOLLFILTER a filtration solution to efficiently reduce  the contamination level in the bottle washing machine main caustic bath.

MV Stella
SunRui »

SunRui relies on BOLLFILTER for the protection of the Balclor® Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) on MV “STELLA IVY